Critical Information

K-12 teachers report the highest burnout rate of all U.S. professions, with more than four out of every 10 teachers noting that they feel burned out "always" or "very often" at work, according to a June 2022 Gallup poll. 


Resilience in Your Faculty

Invest in your faculty and they will invest in students and their school.Your dedicated portal will have virtual engagements in these three areas.
  • SELF
    Through both self-care and educator care, we help making educating fun again. Faculty will feel appreciative of their leadership for investing in their well-being, making your district stand apart from others.
    Job satisfaction improves when students are more engaged in learning. Stimulating learning and motivating participation is part of an overall constellation of classroom leadership.
    Scaling nurturing classroom climate and school culture requires appreciation of group dynamics. Faculty who can balance process and content contribute to the health of the organization and enjoy their work.

Two modes for promoting resilience

Synchronous solutions…

include facilitated small group discussion, coaching, workshops, and more. Our RA program allows for a simple and scalable solution for faculty growth. Fun workshops, resilience days, and other live events help reinforce the learning. Enjoy the video example.

Asynchronous solutions…

include on-demand video engagements on a range of topics from behavioral health to physical wellness. Faculty (and parents) can learn the rubric for developing greater resilience, to reduce stress and increase longevity. Enjoy a video montage on preventing burnout from our on-demand video engagements.

On-demand virtual engagements

Physical health copy

Preventing Burnout Part I

Explore the common and uncommon reasons for growing turnover in education and the risk for prematurely growing stagnant in your career.

Behavioral Health2

Preventing Burnout Part II

Seeking pleasure or avoiding pain is the key question to consider when determining our risk of burnout. Learn how this question may intensify your stress.

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Preventing Burnout Part III

Our degree of resiliency determines how well we respond to stress and adapt to change. What's generally looked at in children is essential for wellness in adults.

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Preventing Burnout Part IV

Mindfulness is a key to retaining vigor and enthusiasm for one's work. Learn the basics of mindful living and how blended with gestalt theory can improve our wellness.

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Preventing Burnout Part V

Potency is the antidote for burnout because people who feel powerful are as likely to feel helpless. Redefine your view of power as a process not as influence.

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Procrastination Part I

Putting off tasks to the point where it causes distress in our lives isn't something we have to live with. Chronic procrastination impacts millions of people and often we get complacent.

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Procrastination Part II

From the four quadrants outlined in Part I, we will use this information to identify a specific set of tactics to begin your path toward greater urgency.


Receptive Communication Part I

People typically put 95% of their effort into speaking and only 5% into listening. When we don't take in information, we turn others off to our perspective and create tension in our interactions.


Success Stories

Allen Pratt

"Whole School Health Through Psychosocial Emotional Learning highlights the importance of relationships, communication, and compassion for others. It presents a critical view in supporting, training, and retaining teachers through the lens of engaging and modeling behaviors that will help our rural students be better civic leaders and community members. My favorite quote from the book gives credit to the author's upbringing and modeling from his parents: 'We must experience the world through others so we can fully engage in educating all children. My father and mother modeled to me and my siblings how to experience the world through somebody else’s eyes, especially if their outer differences stirred up discomfort or displeasure, enriching all lives involved.' I recommend all leaders, teachers, and stakeholders secure their copy as they prepare for school."

Allen Pratt, Executive Director, National Rural Education Association (NREA)