Critical Information
K-12 teachers report the highest burnout rate of all U.S. professions, with more than four out of every 10 teachers noting that they feel burned out "always" or "very often" at work, according to a June 2022 Gallup poll.
Two modes for promoting resilience
Synchronous solutions…
The overarching goal of this program is retention. Through stress inoculation, faculty will use our unique Resilience Rubric, to prepare for the challenges of being an educator, causing burnout. Each member will construct a unique Prosilience Plan that helps identify and remediate risk factors, generated in both their personal and professional lives. There are two options:
Option #1 (Trailblazers): Each school identifies faculty with the greatest potential for success. These faculty members are led through a six month program to develop skills to help them become more successful. These faculty members will resonate success, inspiring others to greatness. In the second year, Resilience Advocates (RA's) will learn how to bring this work into their classrooms to promote student success.
Option #2 (New Hires): Faculty in their first two years of employment with the district. Our meetings will occur on the last Tuesday of each month (holiday exceptions), from 2:30-3:15, lasting approximately 45 minutes. During this time, an expert facilitator will guide the group through a combination of content and process, helping form an invaluable support net
Asynchronous solutions…
include on-demand video engagements on a range of topics from behavioral health to physical wellness. Faculty (and parents) can learn the rubric for developing greater resilience, to reduce stress and increase longevity. Enjoy a video montage on preventing burnout from our on-demand video engagements.
On-demand virtual engagements

Improving Arguments Part II
How to argue in a way that reduces damage and increases productivity is the key to an evolving relationship. It's natural to bicker- learn how to do it simply and quickly.

Improving Arguments Part III
Old patterns learned by watching our parents or through prior relationships can be changed, by creating a formula that resolved disputes peacefully and quickly.

Improving Intimacy Part I
Among the fears we have as humans including abandonment, rejection, and shame, is also a fear of closeness. This foundation course explores barriers to emotional intimacy.

Improving Intimacy Part II
We continue to deepen our understanding of the specific problems that inhibit us from making deep contact with others.

Kidney Health Part I
This three-part series is presented by Dr. Jeffrey Cohen, a nephrologist with over 30 years of experience in the field.This course highlights the role and function of the kidneys including hormones.

Kidney Health Part II
In this second course, Dr. Cohen describes the health threats for the kidneys. The four stages of kidney disease are presented along with a description of signs and symptoms that may be present.

Kidney Health Part III
In this final segment on kidney health, Dr. Cohen takes us through the treatment protocols for patients with kidney disease. As we learn, kidney health effects nearly every aspect of the body.

Leadership in the Classroom Part I
This series prepares educators for this generation of students by looking at 7 key traits including the balance between like and respect. An essential learning engagement for managing students.
Success Stories

"Whole School Health Through Psychosocial Emotional Learning highlights the importance of relationships, communication, and compassion for others. It presents a critical view in supporting, training, and retaining teachers through the lens of engaging and modeling behaviors that will help our rural students be better civic leaders and community members. My favorite quote from the book gives credit to the author's upbringing and modeling from his parents: 'We must experience the world through others so we can fully engage in educating all children. My father and mother modeled to me and my siblings how to experience the world through somebody else’s eyes, especially if their outer differences stirred up discomfort or displeasure, enriching all lives involved.' I recommend all leaders, teachers, and stakeholders secure their copy as they prepare for school."
Allen Pratt, Executive Director, National Rural Education Association (NREA)