School violence is a significant threat to education!

School shootings in 2020-21 soared to the highest number in two decades. The erosion of physical safety and emotional security creates ten different types of violence, requiring comprehensive prevention.

TeacherCoach can help!

Invest in violence prevention so you don’t have to invest in intervention. Your dedicated portal will have virtual engagements in these three areas.
  • SELF
    Appreciating our own aggressive impulses is the foundation for new learning. As educators understand the causes or etiology of violence, they more easily develop a paradigm for intervention.
    Differentiating healthy vs. unhealthy aggression and the evolution of conflict into constructive differencing are two of the PSEL skills sets required to reduce the potential for violence with students..
    Scaling nurturing classroom climate and school culture requires appreciation of group dynamics. Faculty who can balance process and content contribute to the health of the organization.

Two modes for promoting violence prevention

Synchronous solutions…

include facilitated small group discussion, coaching, workshops, and more. Our unique web events include live group therapy, humor workshops to infuse fun into the classroom and even live events with comedians. Enjoy the video example.

Asynchronous solutions…

Topics from cyberbullying to hip hop SEL. Faculty (and parents) can learn about healthy vs. unhealthy aggression leading to the 10 different types of violence. Through organizational health, physical safety and emotional security are grown. Enjoy a video montage on violence prevention from our on-demand video engagements.

On-demand virtual engagements

Behavioral Health2

Bullying Part I

Bullying is part of a larger ecosystem of violence. Appreciate the unique aspects of harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) and how to differentiate from other types of violence.

Behavioral Health2

Bullying Part II

There are no conclusive answers as to why kids bully, so we'll explore some of the possibilities that drive this behavior. Understanding victims and bullies prepares you for a new prevention paradigm.

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Bullying Part III

Understanding our current response to bullying including the myriad of prevention programs available is helpful to detect gaps in our approach, making us vulnerable to school violence.

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Children's Immunity Part I

Hear from a group of children how they feel about healthy food and their reactions to school lunches. Dr. Fuhrman takes us deeper into the school cafeteria to understand what our kids are eating.

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Children's Immunity Part II

Emotional and behavioral problems with children is often health related. Nutritional deficits are tied to attention, mood, and aggression, requiring us to expand our thinking before rushing to meds.

Behavioral Health2

Class Climate & Learning Support Part I

It can be challenging working with students who have different ways of learning and processing information. Learn how to accommodate a range of learning styles to reduce resistance and build success.

Behavioral Health2

Class Climate & Learning Support Part II

Practical tips to engage and sustain students’ attention and increase their focus and time-on-task with an emphasis on accommodating a variety of visual and auditory needs.

Behavioral Health2

Class Climate & Learning Support Part III

Continuing to explore ways to accommodate differences in how students learn, this engagement looks at practical, non-disruptive ways to address tactile, movement, and oral-motor needs.


Success Stories


“Dr. Scherz presented at the Virginia Department of Education's Safe and Supportive Schools Conference in March 2019. Dr. Scherz presented content tailored to the audience and provided practical activities for educators to put into practice to help students, families, and school personnel. Dr. Scherz is very knowledgeable in many content areas and provided a keynote address that was engaging and communicated social emotional learning concepts in such a way that all attendees understood and followed his presentation. We were happy to have Dr. Scherz speak at our conference and we would consider reaching out to him for future presentations. “

Michael Gregory, VDOE Specialist, Virginia DOE