Students are struggling!

The number of children ages 3 to 17 struggling with anxiety or depression rose by 1.5 million between 2016 and 2020. Educators trained in mental health and SEL will be prepared to reverse this alarming trend.

TeacherCoach can help!

From a solid foundation in mental health and SEL, faculty will learn how to apply this learning to their work in students. Your dedicated portal will have virtual engagements in these three areas.
  • SELF
    To effectively intervene with students, we explore our motivation, bias and intention. Faculty members who understand the basis for dis-ease and the core elements of growing resilience to help their students, will be rewarded.
    Developing skills for effective student intervention is grounded in psychosocial emotional learning (PSEL). Fifteen skills are designed to help student learn how to constructively meet their needs.
  • School
    Each class nurturing the well-being of students will collectively establish the norms for the school. Faculty who can embody resilience will more easily cultivate healthy classroom climates.

Two modes for promoting student success

Synchronous solutions…

include facilitated small group discussion, coaching, workshops, and more. Our unique web events include live group therapy, humor workshops to infuse fun into the classroom and even live events with comedians. Enjoy the video example.

Asynchronous solutions…

include on-demand video engagements on a range of topics from autism to dealing with difficult students. Faculty (and parents) can learn the rubric for developing greater resilience, will pass along this learning to students. Please enjoy this video montage on student engagement from our on-demand video library.

On-demand virtual engagements

Leadership copy

360 Degrees of Integrity

Leaders who embody integrity have a remarkable strategic advantage. This video introduces a comprehensive method to influence through empowerment rather than disempowerment. Learn to be nimble.

Children bright

Anxiety in Children Part I

A live workshop filmed in a NJ district, exploring anxiety in children. Differentiate from attention problems, learning difficulties, social problems, and academic issues.

Children bright

Anxiety in Children Part II

Explore the reasons why children get anxious and how to differentiate from worry, fear, and panic. Also distinguish anxiety from ADHD, Learning Disabilities, and boredom (gifted).

Children bright

Anxiety in Children Part III

Learn why anxiety is on the rise and how educators on the front line are seeing more challenges to their work in the classroom. Live workshop questions and answers.

Children bright

Anxiety in Children Part IV

A more in depth look at the environmental and physiological causes of anxiety. Watch educators in the workshop explore their own beliefs and attitudes about this issue.

Children bright

Anxiety in Children Part V

Mindfulness is taught as a strategy to help children learn to self-soothe. The final segment in this live workshop will bring together theory and practice.

Children bright

Autism Part I

You can’t afford to leave anything to chance when students on the spectrum are in your classroom. Find out why a little fact-finding will make all the difference for them… and for you, too.

Children bright

Autism Part II

There’s no such thing as a typical day for atypical students. Find out how to make the day as predictable as possible, giving your students on the autism spectrum indispensable structure.


Success Stories

Asia Michael

“Dr. Scherz provided my district with an engaging, impactful and personalized workshop. The teachers involved not only enjoyed their time with Dr. Scherz, but asked to have him back next year. The knowledge and experience he brings to a "live" presentation are readily seen in the TeacherCoach professional development modules. With pertinent information presented in a fun manner that is just the right length of time (not too short as to withhold relevant information but not too long to lose the audience's interest), the Teacher Coach platform will be a welcome addition to Springfield's professional development offerings. Dr. Scherz is a true professional and his commitment to giving back to the education profession is admirable.” - Craig Vaughn, Superintendent of Springfield School District

“TeacherCoach is an excellent way for administrators to provide necessary professional development, and it gives life to those "boring" topics that are an annual must! The variety of topics offered allows teachers to govern their own professional development. This is so important because who better knows what you need in order to grow than yourself. The best part is that the topics help teachers with not only their professional growth but their personal growth as well. TeacherCoach is an excellent tool to allow schools to save money on professional development while also making money just for utilizing the resources. “Asia Michael, Director of Curriculum for Springfield School District.

Asia Michael, Director of Curriculum , Springfield Township School District