Step 1 of 3

Add Concentration Area

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Your district can use a competitive advantage when it comes to attracting the most qualified applicants. This additional focus helps you build a marketing channel to promote the unique work in this partnership..

student success interest thumb

Mental Health

Bringing greater attention to the impact of anxiety, depression and other disorders is critical for front line workers. Advanced training helps prevent suffering and tragedy.

bullying interest thumb

Violence Prevention

Emotional safety and physical security are a result of class climate and school culture. Faculty learn about the causes of violence and ways to use resilience to support systemic health.

Step 2 of 3

Consider adding to your virtual on-demand library

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Education Law

Ensure your faculty understand the basics to reduce liability. Leadership time is too valuable to be spent fixing problems that were easily avoidable.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Mandated Training

Bloodborne Pathogens will make faculty laugh. Equity is taught with theater and professional actors. Bullying will provide genuine insight into school violence.



All educators need to be prepared for virtual instruction. These engagements address the essential around badging, YouTube and Google.

Success Stories

Scott McCartney

“Dr. Scherz had possibly the worst time - last session on the third day of in-service after school had let out - and he brilliantly captivated over 100 of my staff. They worked to the last minute and many stayed after to ask questions. His knowledge, presentation style and humor totally engaged the audience. He has a tremendous ability to take challenging content and blend it together with personal stories, anecdotes, and group discussions. At the same time, he masterfully pulls it all together so there are clear formative and summative “take-aways”. Perhaps the best way to sum up the session is to share that my staff, before the session had ended, was already asking me to have him back again so they could learn more!”

Dr. Scott McCartney, Superintendent , Moorestown School District

Questions? We'd love to hear from you!

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