Step 1 of 3

Add Concentration Area

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Your district can use a competitive advantage when it comes to attracting the most qualified applicants. This additional focus helps you build a marketing channel to promote the unique work in this partnership..

student success interest thumb

Mental Health

Bringing greater attention to the impact of anxiety, depression and other disorders is critical for front line workers. Advanced training helps prevent suffering and tragedy.

bullying interest thumb

Violence Prevention

Emotional safety and physical security are a result of class climate and school culture. Faculty learn about the causes of violence and ways to use resilience to support systemic health.

Step 2 of 3

Consider adding to your virtual on-demand library

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Education Law

Ensure your faculty understand the basics to reduce liability. Leadership time is too valuable to be spent fixing problems that were easily avoidable.

Bloodborne Pathogens

Mandated Training

Bloodborne Pathogens will make faculty laugh. Equity is taught with theater and professional actors. Bullying will provide genuine insight into school violence.



All educators need to be prepared for virtual instruction. These engagements address the essential around badging, YouTube and Google.

Success Stories

Asia Michael

“Dr. Scherz provided my district with an engaging, impactful and personalized workshop. The teachers involved not only enjoyed their time with Dr. Scherz, but asked to have him back next year. The knowledge and experience he brings to a "live" presentation are readily seen in the TeacherCoach professional development modules. With pertinent information presented in a fun manner that is just the right length of time (not too short as to withhold relevant information but not too long to lose the audience's interest), the Teacher Coach platform will be a welcome addition to Springfield's professional development offerings. Dr. Scherz is a true professional and his commitment to giving back to the education profession is admirable.” - Craig Vaughn, Superintendent of Springfield School District

“TeacherCoach is an excellent way for administrators to provide necessary professional development, and it gives life to those "boring" topics that are an annual must! The variety of topics offered allows teachers to govern their own professional development. This is so important because who better knows what you need in order to grow than yourself. The best part is that the topics help teachers with not only their professional growth but their personal growth as well. TeacherCoach is an excellent tool to allow schools to save money on professional development while also making money just for utilizing the resources. “Asia Michael, Director of Curriculum for Springfield School District.

Asia Michael, Director of Curriculum , Springfield Township School District

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